Sunday, May 10, 2009

Edwards' Affair: A Tale of Sex & Hypocrisy in America.

"Take Time To Pray"
New-Orleans Post Katrina
Photo by Gilbert Mercier
All Rights Reserved.

John Edwards had a promising political career. He was John Kerry's running mate in 2004, and was drawing some traction, during the 2008 primaries, within the left of the Democratic party for his stand on the two Americas. He had a message of social justice that was sort of lost during the general elections.

All of this went crashing down after the revelation of his affair. He became persona non Grata, even in his own party. He was not even invited at the DNC convention.

America still has the view that a politician, in order to be electable, must be faithful to his wife. Yet the contradictions are absolutely shocking between the public display of virtue, and the reality of Americans life in 2009.

The examples of this amazing societal hypocrisy are countless.

The porn industry is a 10 Billion per year business venture, and this does not even include the proceeds from pornographic magazines and pornography on line. The profit from the porn industry is higher than the one of Hollywood mainstream entertainment.

Americans spend more money at strip clubs than on Broadway, Off-Broadway, in theaters, the Opera, the ballet, Jazz & classical music performance combined.

The case of Janet Jackson exposing her breast (by accident) and the scandal it stirred up is typical as well. A ruling from the Supreme Court confirmed recently that the network broadcasting the program would be fined 500,000 dollars.

This dichotomy finds its very roots in the foundation of America. The Puritans wanted to impose the strict enforcement of their rigid moral code in dealing with matter of sexual behaviors.

The problem for the so called " moral majority " in America is that they are quickly becoming a " moral minority". One state after the other is voting in favor of legalizing gay marriage. It was a corner stone for the Christian right " value " voters, and they have more or less lost that battle.

Europeans find America's hypocrisy towards sexuality completely ridiculous. When elected, French President Mitterand had an open relationship with his wife; she had a lover & he had a mistress who had a child from him. Everyone knew about it in France, and it did not prevent him from winning the elections two times. It could have never been the case in America. In France, sex is regarded as a private matter, not a public one.

America needs to grow up, and leaves its various sexual hang ups of the Victorian era behind. Only in America could you have the Congress trying to impeach a competent President over a blow-job, and not impeach an incompetent one for dragging the country to war based on lies and manufactured evidence.

1 comment:

bloomlando said...

Some one close to you is having an affair???. Do you suspect your spouse of cheating on you or hiding something from you??.... Are you worried that your girlfriend/boyfriend is having a secret affair??...... Concerned about your kids watching inappropriate content in web??... What actually your employees are doing when they are supposed to work? You might have seen these kind of ads in web...what is the reality? further read at