Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Got FEMA Camps?

News-Orleans post Katrina
Photo by Gilbert Mercier
All Rights Reserved.

We all know the rumors about the FEMA camps. The topic is the main course of Glen Beck's "news" regimen on Fox News. Beck is far from being alone, his company includes conspiracy theorists denouncing an imminent "New World Order".

First this is the claim, in a summarized version: " There is a plan to declare martial law in the very near future. Americans will be rounded up, taken to these internment camps, exterminated or reprogrammed and given an identifying mark or RFID chip implant. Then they would be released into the New world Order using the US armed forces and the UN military for the purpose of population control. "

This is my reader's digest version of what you can find on countless web sites dedicated to FEMA camps & the new world order.

What strikes me is the strange similarity in the descriptions of the " FEMA camps" with Hitler's concentration camps. Hitler's plan for a new world order ( in conjunction with Japan & Italy) was very real and utterly insane. However, it didn't work back then. I don't see any logical reasons why it could have a better chance to work in present time.

In recent US history, Bush had the perfect twisted mind set and quasi dictatorial powers(with the Patriot Act etc) to implement such a "plan", and he did not. That would have confirmed that the rational for the FEMA camps claim is very thin, to say the least.

In New-Orleans post Katrina, I saw first hand how poorly organized and ineffective FEMA truly was. Trust me, they are no Waffen SS in the making. How could they implement a "final solution" when it took them forever to get trailers and basic help to the people who needed them?

I think what the claim of the "FEMA camps" is about keeping some people ( on the extreme right & the extreme left) in a constant state of fear & paranoia. This climate makes some of these people buy guns and ammunition, and that should be a lot more of a concern for all of us than the so called "FEMA camps".

1 comment:

bradysbeau said...

I pray you are right